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About Pat

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About Pat

I’ve been involved in the wellness industry for over fifteen years, getting my start in the physical fitness space back in 2008 before transitioning to the areas of mental, emotional and relational wellness.


I’m passionate about growth, healing and connection and have a mission to create a connected and authentic world by allowing the space for myself and others to live with compassion, playfulness and curiosity.


I run programs to support men's mental health, offer corporate wellness workshops around the world and offer deep coaching, breathwork and body-based therapies to help heal trauma, develop confidence and reconnect clients to their authentic selves.


Outside of my love for my work, I’m passionate about travel and am a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I live in Galway, Ireland and have spent a few months of each year for the last ten years travelling the world and exploring.

Agus mé ag féachaint ar na deacrachtaí a bhí ag cuid de mo chliaint lasmuigh den suíomh giomnáisiam agus ag fulaingt mo dhúshláin sláinte meabhrach féin thosaigh mé ag cur níos mó suime i réimsí mar mhachnamh, obair anála, teiripe iompraíochta cognaíocha agus ríomhchlárú néareolaíoch.


Le seacht mbliana anuas bhí mé ag díriú ar cheardlanna, cúlaithe agus cláir a sheachadadh chun ‘folláine mheabhrach agus mhothúchánach’ a spreagadh, deasghnátha laethúla simplí agus athruithe ó thaobh peirspictíochta chun tiomantas leanúnach i leith fíorchúraim a chur chun cinn.


Faoi láthair tá roinnt grúpaí fear, grúpaí machnaimh agus cláir chorparáideacha á reáchtáil agam agus tá baint agam le tionscadal carthanais nua a thacóidh le fir óga a bhraitheann caillte agus iad ag ionchorprú a gcuid barántúla dílse.


Ábhair reatha a bhfuilim ag díriú orthu: teoiric phola vagal, scáth-obair, fiosrú atruach agus cleachtaí scaoilte tráma. Taobh amuigh de mo chuid oibre táim paiseanta faoi Jiu Jitsu ón mBrasaíl, oideachas agus taisteal. Is eol dom freisin cúpla sléibhte a dhreapadh, iarracht a dhéanamh surfáil agus an giotár a sheinm go leibhéal an-mheánach! Eiseofar mo leabhar nua (teideal le fógairt) a dhíríonn go domhain ar réimse na féinchainte agus na scéalta a insímid dúinn féin i mí Eanáir 2022. Más maith leat teagmháil a dhéanamh is féidir leat ríomhphost a chur chugam ar

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Functionality You Will Love

A documentary was made about one of our fundraisers in which we raised €165,000 for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and brought over 500 people to Tough Mudder, the world's biggest-ever team for a mud run.


You can check out the PDF4CF documentary here.

In working with so many people in such a short time I saw the many challenges my fitness clients were having with self-doubt and self-sabotage and was having my own mental health challenges at the time despite being ‘successful’ on paper.

This prompted me to begin to move more toward mental wellness, first for my own healing and then to support others.

I stepped away from the gym and studied NLP, logotherapy, hypnosis and coaching, then began to offer workshops and retreats around personal
development back in 2015.

In 2016 I released a personal development book called ‘Upgrade Your Life’ which was published in English and Arabic.


Since that time, my focus has shifted again more toward emotional and relational wellness with a focus on nervous system health, trauma healing and the mind-body connection.

I am an experienced breathworker, and a Trauma Release Facilitator and have spent a year training in a psychotherapeutic approach called Compassionate Inquiry with a renowned addiction and trauma specialist Gabor Mate.

Since 2017 I have released over 250 episodes of my podcast where I share ideas around mental, emotional and relational wellness. I’ve also run
hundreds of seminars, workshops and retreats whilst continuing to invest in my own learning and development.


In January 2022 I brought out my fourth book ‘Fit Mind- 8 Weeks To Change Your Inner Soundtrack and Tune Into Your Greatnesswhich became a #1 bestseller in Ireland. The book is also available on Audible and includes an 8 week journalling and meditation course.

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I now offer corporate workshops and executive coaching all over the world, run men’s groups and offer breath work and other body-based therapies to
support people on their healing journeys.

I am a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a world traveller, a lifelong student and a teacher.

I am grateful for the unique life I am living and the path I am on and am excited to continue to say yes to life and to step into the great mystery!


I’m also very grateful for my amazing family and friends, teachers and guides.

Free Resources

Functionality You Will Love

Over the last ten years, I’ve been on many podcasts, recorded many of my own podcast episodes and created a number of other free resources that I hope you might find useful on your own journey of mental, emotional and
relational health.


I stopped recording my own podcast back in February 2023, but there's a
a comprehensive archive of ideas that you can still access on all good
podcast platforms by searching for the Pat Divilly Podcast.


You’ll find over 250 episodes recorded between November 2017 and
February 2023 here where I share work aroun
d mental, emotional and
relational health.


I’ve also been on the other side of the microphone and been featured as a
guest on over 60 episodes of other people's podcasts which you can see or
listen to it here


If you are looking to get started or try out some new meditations I’ve
recorded over 50 free meditation, breath work and yoga-nidra tracks which
you can access the Insight Timer app here or on my YouTube channel


I run a free Weekly ‘Journey The Breath Class's Online every week. It’s a great opportunity to quiet the mind, release tension
from the body and connect to a deeper part of yourself. You can learn more
or register here.

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pat's mission

Cruthaím domhan barántúil nasctha trí ligean don spás dom féin agus do dhaoine eile maireachtáil le comhbhá, fiosracht agus spraoi.


Get in Touch

Please feel free to use the contact form to get in touch with any questions, or inquiries, or to express your interest in my programs or
coaching. I value every message that comes my way and will do my best to respond promptly.

However, I request your understanding that, due to the high volume of inquiries and the sensitive nature of the topics we address, I am unable to provide specific advice on personal situations via email.

My focus is on creating a safe and supportive environment within my
programs, workshops and sessions for individuals to explore their wellness journey as well as offering free resources in the form of podcasts, meditations and breathwork journeys.


Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you to explore how my work can support your overall well-being.

Thanks for submitting!

Belief And Belonging. 
Mini Documentary by Darren Doyle

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